Good morning, welcome to another Monday!
Fox Tip of the day: treat yourself today. Get that overpriced cup of coffee or that new graphics card you’ve been thinking of.
We’d like to give a big HEY THANKS! to the very cool, useful, and exceedingly interesting blog Secrets of the Dark for including us in their post “What Does The FoxyProxy Say,” all about the joys of proxy usage on the Dark Web. If you want to give it a shot yourself, you can find our free software downloads as well as info on our subscription service right here!
There’s a pretty good (100%) chance that I, your blogess, will be reading up on Dark Web tricks and tools in order to better track down even more weirdo conspiracy theories.

Last week, we solved a very annoying Netflix feature which has been plaguing some American users. Specifically, Netflix turned on a test mode for a good chunk of you without even asking, switching up the search categories into useless, non-genred descriptions. Not cool to just flip that test switch with no warning, Netflix.
This week, we’re breaking down some Netflix titles for you so that you can make some good decisions when deciding what to watch while you’re supposed to be working.
As you know, one of the perks of using a proxy is that Netflix’s options change from country to country. We’re sticking with the UK this week, breaking down some of the different choices for Sci-Fi picks, because Sci-Fi is great and we all should watch more of it.
Seriously, it’s a very influential genre both within popular culture and literature, even if those Literary Fiction people think they’re too good for it.
Available on Netflix UK, but not on US:
Captain America, Captain America Winter’s Soldier, Thor (UK edges out the US options for Marvel films) Cloverfield, The Mist (Two very good horror/sci-fi entries) Star Trek Into Darkness, Coherence (A pretty good little indie,) The Hobbit Battle of Five Armies (this is completely not sci-fi but that’s another discussion all together.) Tank Girl, Night of the Comet, Tremors, Spaceballs, (very important movies), Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Available on Netflix US but not Netflix UK:
Star Trek (Netflix US absolutely beats the pants of the UK in regards to Trek. All of the series – even the animated! and all of the films other than the JJ Abrams “efforts”) Galaxy Quest, Nightbreed (a must watch for fans of Clive Barker weirdness) Batman, Serenity, Hellboy, Sharknado 2 (you know you want to) Melancholia, Young Ones, Goodbye World, Snowpiercer (for those of you in the mood for depressing apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories) Blade Runner (Your blogess’s most favorite movie)
Happy Binging!