Fox Fact: The Kit Fox is the smallest fox found in North America

Good morning! Congratulations, you’ve all made it to the fourth Monday of 2016. So far, so good.
We want to take a minute and remind you all that we’re doing some maintenance tomorrow. We’ll be greasing the wheels, checking the tubes, and oiling the gears.
So tomorrow, Tuesday the 26th January at 20:00 UTC, all services will be down for maintenance. This includes all VPN and proxy service, as well as the website and support. The downtime may be as much as 3 hours, but is likely to be much shorter!
On Thursday the 28th, our support will be down, starting at 20:00 UTC, with downtime possibly as much as 3 hours, but likely to be much shorter.
Here’s a handy UTC time zone converter so you know just when this will happen.
And now for your Monday Morning Procrastination!
Cortana doesn’t like it when you break a promise In a not at all creepy, invasive, or uncomfortable move, Microsoft will start rolling out its new Commitments feature. Cortana, the Windows 10 digital assistant with the soothing voice, will scan your emails and remind you to keep the promises you make to others.
Are you still digging out from the US blizzard? Here’s some great stuff to watch if you’re still snowed in or if you’ve convinced your boss that you can’t get into work. Not snowed in? Watch anyway!
And speaking of watching things Here’s a site that lets you search the global Netflix library. Happy hunting, and you know where to find us when you need a proxy for that awesome new thing you want to watch.
Did you know that the US Blizzard was geoengineered by the HAARP program? Now you do.