Hello. We hope you’re well.
Time for a little update on the Covid-19 privacy debate! Things have been getting continually weird, that’s for certain. For instance, from an article by the EFF:
Judges in West Virginia and Kentucky have ordered people to wear GPS ankle shackles (often called electronic monitoring), after they tested positive and then allegedly broke stay-at-home orders.
However, more worrisome is the notion that the pandemic-driven level of surveillance becomes the new normal. Facial recognition, GPS monitoring, thermal scanning, are all being touted by various app developers and tech companies in the race to be the next big thing in surveillance.
Though there are people raising concerns, such as these senators in the US, we hope to see even more attention paid to this rising concern. Keep your eyes on these stories, and don’t accept the erosion of your privacy as an acceptable trade off for ‘security.’
Stay safe, everyone!