Have you been playing Pokémon Go?
If so, you and a few million of your friends have been having fun exploring, catching Pokémon, and battling it out with other enthusiasts in the augmented reality geocaching tiny monster hunting phenomenon.
Awesome! Kids and adults are running around and having fun. It’s something we need to see right now, collectively as humans, because unless you’ve been living under a rock you know that a lot of things out in the world seem a little bit awful right now.
However…because this is The Internet you should also know that nothing will remain innocent for long.

You’ve probably heard that the Pokémon Go app is pretty liberal with your privacy permissions. Some of these make sense, such as access to your camera and location services which are pretty necessary for the game to work.
Some folks have been raising alarm bells over the permissions for this game, understandably, and it’s enough to keep a lot of people from trying out the game.
Our absolute favorite on this front, however, goes to Gawker.
Pokémon Go is a Vast Government Fueled Psy-op Intelligence Gathering Conspiracy!
By now you know how much I, your blogess (is blogatrix better?) love a good conspiracy theory. And this one is a great one. Ashley Feinberg of Gawker Media does a really great and pretty thorough explanation of why Pokemon Go is actually a Government conspiracy.
To break it down, she essentially posits that the ties which the game’s creator has with government intelligence agencies will allow the government to gather data on everything from your movements to mapping the insides of buildings.
Does this sound far fetched? Some in China don’t think so. There are already rumors swirling that the game is a Trojan Horse of sorts, a plot by Japan and the US to pinpoint the locations of Chinese military bases.
It’s a good read, and well worth your time.
So what do you think, dear readers? Is it all a vast Government Conspiracy?
Yes! it is a conspiracy, of course. Get your tinfoil hat now… and don’t play Pokeman Go.