Fox Facts: with a population of only 320, the Darwin’s Fox is one of the most endangered mammals on Earth.

Hello Fox Fans! Rather than our usual list of cool internet things, or helpful hints punctuated with sarcasm, today I’m going to tell you all about an awesome charity event that some of our staff will be taking part in.
FoxyProxy has a team for the upcoming Extra Life Game Day 2015! What is Extra Life? We’re so glad you asked. Extra Life is a great way to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals around the country by holding a 24 hour video gaming marathon, with the players being sponsored for every hour they play.

We’re a Proxy/VPN provider, but that’s not all we’re about. We also aim to help people, usually through our open source software and customer service, but we like to branch out when we see a really great cause that fits with our ethics.
Our Team, The Moxie Foxies, will be playing Team Fortress 2 and shooting up the other guys all in the name of raising money for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
And now, a word from Brent:
A Personal Note from a FoxyProxy Employee…
Hey all- this is Brent. I’m FoxyProxy’s Systems/Network Engineer; you may have even seen a reply from me in a support ticket you sent.
I had a lot of medical issues when I was a young pup. I mean a lot. I was born with some pretty sick kidneys. However, thanks to medical science and the care of my local children’s hospitals, I’m living a healthy and normal life (30 years strong!). I would have never been able to do this without the type of support that these hospitals provide. There would be no me without projects like Extra-Life and other children’s care fundraisers. And I certainly put a lot of myself into FoxyProxy because of how much I believe in the company, what it does for civil rights, and how much they care for people that may not have the ability or resources to help themselves out. Please- give as much as possible to this fundraiser so another kid can have the same breath of life and chance for living that I did- not only would it mean a lot to the kids that it goes towards helping, but it means a lot to me and the rest of FoxyProxy. Thank you.
With that in mind, we’d love it and appreciate it if you were able to spare a bit to donate to this great event. Your donations go directly towards Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The cause is a great one, and you’ll be making it worthwhile for folks to sit on their rear and do nothing but play video games for 24 hours.
If you can’t donate, you can join the team! Hang out with some of the FoxyProxy team members, play some great games, and raise money for an amazing cause.