Fox Fact: The Fennec Fox is the smallest fox species in the world.

Happy Monday, Fox Fans! Because it’s the start of the work week for most of you, we’re giving a list of interesting stories from across the internet so you can day started right, and procrastinate instead of diving in to work.
If you decide that you want your procrastination on a global scale, you can download our software and purchase proxy services here at any time.
Are you paranoid enough? The answer is probably no. This is a great article about one man’s slow decent into the realization that the technology we love to surround ourselves with is listening to us and sharing what it hears. Be warned that you may just fall down the YouTube rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and find yourself at 3 am watching videos about lunar waves, numbers stations, and the Dyatlov Pass indecent, nodding in agreement.

EU to US: Your privacy practices are terrible. The EU courts have decided that the US has terrible privacy safeguards (color us shocked.) They have given the US a meager three months to revamp the Safe Harbor system with the European Commission to ensure EU citizens that their data being transferred by private companies remains safe and secure. We’ll wait patiently, and see what new and interesting rules get formulated from the jumble.

You can buy the rights to name a moth. By which they mean actually name the species, not just give a moth a first name. What a time to be alive.

Chrome stops being so nosy Google is finally shutting off the automatic “always on” status for its Ok Google feature. This comes after Google finally figures out that no one uses it, and it’s one of the bigger resource hogging features of Chrome. Have no fear though, you can still turn it on if you like shouting searches at your computer.